Woohooo, it's online! Our latest collection t-shirts: FREIKöRPERKULT!! Made in Berlin! The drawings are weird, but they’re weird for a reason. If you take a good look, you might be able to find out which game - from back in the days - we played. It is a LIMITED EDITION, there are just 2 shirts available per size. So hurry yourself to our webshop!
Ooooo I'm so excited, tonight is THE NIGHT!! And when I say night, I mean night (this is Berlin after all)... I'll be behind the decks somewhere between 2.00 and 6.00 at BAR25! If you're in Berlin, come party with me, Sonic Me, Female Macho and Jan Brandi!!
BAR25 is a pretty amazing place, beautifully located at the riverfront of the Spree. There are different area's, including a restaurant, an open air cinema and a circus.... Disco balls and swings hang from the tree branches. There's even a sauna! BUT there are some major redevelopment plans for this area. Read: office buildings. The future of BAR25 has been uncertain for the last couple of months and it is most likely it'll have to close its doors soon. The people of Berlin have been heavily protesting against these plans, read more all about it at the website Mediaspree Versenken!
Since our last post the days have been filled with social gatherings and entertaining visitors. Therefor we are tired....
Activities included drinking vodkashots at the CCCP-bar (the only bar that has an actual stuffed bear with a chainsaw on the wall), lots of fleamarkets and beergartens. A nazi-bunkertour, a Kreuzkölln-safari, open air swimmingpool, grillsessions, more long bikerides and wurst(farts).
Despite the heavy legs and the sunburnt shoulders, we collected a lot of inspiration for the tapestry, so it's back to work! We leave you with an image of Geeske's room at the Friedelstrasse, which has become known as 'the ghetto-shack'. Please note the curtain that makes a hallway to the other room, which Clemens can only enter through mine. To thank 'FriedelFabian' for this very raw, very Berlin, very inspiring shack his portrait is being emboidered and integrated in our piece of art. Will it be a flattering portrait? You decide after looking at the picture below..
In between hangovers, BBQs, chilling in the park, long bike rides and 'trödeling' we've been working on our 'tapestry'. The word itself seems to be a mystery to many people. We know it's a bit outdated (by three decades), but as you know we like outdated stuff. Perhaps the pictures below can enlighten you about where working on...
A couple of years ago the Dutch Dolls went on a road trip to Prague. We were driving in a 24-year-old Saab, which had a heater that was always turned on to the max; a sauna on wheels it was. After a pit stop in Berlin, we headed further South. But then in Dresden a TWAT who made an illegal U-turn knocked out our Saab with her Baby Benz. She kept screaming "Es ist ganz neu! Es ist ganz neu!", she didn't care about us and our ruined vacation at all. We never made it to Prague. We were forced to return to Berlin where we stayed for the remainder of our trip. We wanted to make an embroidered report about this disastrous adventure. But five years later it's still not finished... It probably was too painful...
But now we're back in Berlin WITH A MISSION! We are finishing the tapestry!!
New adventures will be captured in fabric, found objects, pictures, drawings, embroidery, scraps of paper, and what not. We'll be living on the edge these next couple of weeks to make sure this will become an interesting piece of art. Geeske is determined to eat some BUGS. Unnecessary nudity is already taken care of as well! We'll keep you posted on our quest right here on our blog. The pile of junk as portrayed above will be doubled in size next week, that's a promise! Should you have any suggestions for high voltage situations in Berlin, BRING IT ON!!
Dutch Dolls is a Design + DJ duo. This is our blog. Here we write about our designs, upcoming gigs, events and exhibitions, our latest musical findings, inspirations and whatever goes on in our daily lives...
All music and images posted on this blog are for promotional purposes only. Downloads are available for about a week. You like what you hear? Buy it!!! Links to the artists' websites are always provided in the posts.
If you are an artist, or are affiliated with an artist and you want your music/image taken down, please contact us and we'll be happy to do so.