Some people dont have them. Some people don't have the right ones. Some think they have the right ones, but they don't. Some of them are just so wrong, they should'nt be allowed at all. I have alot of them, and will always send 'em out there. Never keep opinions to yourself I say. Even if you change your mind the next day..
I think Madonna sucks. When will she retire.. ?There, I've said it. In what category that opinion belongs, is up to you. I'm just glad there are people covering her songs. They call it 'a tribute', I call it an improvement.Here's one by the wonderful and marvellous Giant Drag. This californian grunge/indieband released their debut album 'Hearts and Unicorns' in 2005. This gem is one of my favorite albums ever (one of the 500). It's hard to believe they have been dropped by their label and have been struggeling to find a new one ever since. I found their lead singer Annie Hardy selling homemade stuff on Ebay just to make a living. Madonna should buy all her stuff, just to thank her for this beautiful version of Oh Father.
Giant Drag - Oh father. Download it here.
Contradictory to my statement before, I'm not going to have an opinion on Sonic Youth. Simply because I don't have one. SY's sideproject Ciccone youth (Ciccone being the real surname of Madonna) is something I DO have an opinion on. I like it! They recorded 2 albums together. The Whitey Album showing a detail of madonna's face. Their version of 'Get into the Groove' must be the wildest thing ever being connected to Madonna.Ciccone Youth - Get into the Groove. Download it here.